Janoschka, firma rodzinna, która powstała w 1976 roku, ma swoją siedzibę w południowych Niemczech, gdzie Manfred Janoschka rozpoczął swoją działalność w budynku rolniczym należącym do jego domu rodzinnego. W pierwszym roku działalności Manfred Janoschka zaczynał z pięcioosobowym zespołem, który początkowo koncentrował się na usługach graficznych dla branży dekoratorskiej.
Dziś, zatrudniając ponad 1700 pracowników i osiągając roczne obroty w wysokości ponad 90 milionów euro, Janoschka jest jednym ze światowych liderów rynku w swoim sektorze, dostarczając zintegrowane rozwiązania w zakresie przygotowania do druku dla branży opakowań spożywczych/niespożywczych produktów szybkozbywalnych (FMCG).

Manfred Janoschka founds the Janoschka family company in the southern German town of Kippenheim. In the first year of operation he starts with a five member team, which initially concentrates on print for the decor range. Production of printing tools is already planned for the future and implemented in 1980.

The company has successfully established itself with 16 employees thanks to experience, knowledge and motivation. Janoschka also provides training places and plans a new production unit in the Kippenheim Industrial zone. The relocation into Mattweg 1 happens next year.

Janoschka enters into the business of printing tool production for rotogravure printing. Digital imaging and graphic services become a permanent offer in the company’s portfolio.

Janoschka grows further. The 73 employees in total and an increasing production volume require space. The first extension building takes place. The production area increases to 8,000 m². The turnover trend points upwards, and continues.

In the wake of the increased rise in turnover since the middle of the 1980s, Janoschka invests in its first fully automated copper line. The perfect interplay of highly-qualified staff and the most modern technical equipment becomes the company’s recipe for success from now on.

Janoschka establishes its first German subsidiary with Rotagraph in Sinsheim. Gravure cylinders for magazine and job printing are produced there, which includes printing the title pages of colour publications, e.g. the magazine "Bunte".

The development of the international network in France begins: Gravur d‘Azur in Avignon is the first foreign subsidiary. Lusogravura in Portugal, today Janoschka Portugal, already follows within the next year.

The path of expansion continues. The company building in Kippenheim is extended for the second time. Thanks to the investment in a fully automated chroming line, production of gravure cylinders becomes even more efficient.

The Janoschka network is growing. Thanks to Janoschka Polska and Gracilsa in Spain, the company opens up markets in two new countries. Two new subsidiaries are established in France, while Repro-Form becomes the fourth German site.

Janoschka becomes active on the Asian market based in Malaysia. Together with Interprint, one of the globally leading decor printers, Janoschka founds Asian Pacific Engravers Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur as a joint venture. Janoschka Espana is created in parallel. The production area in Kippenheim doubles. On 16,000 m², around 25,000 gravure cylinders are produced annually. Janoschka’s total turnover is almost 60 million euros .

Janoschka takes control of the first direct laser system in Kippenheim.
The footprint in France and Spain with Janoschka Grabaciones near Barcelona is consolidated.

The planning phase for the new construction of the decor sector is concluded and implemented this year. Janoschka invests in a second direct laser for the Kippenheim site.

The success story continues. Janoschka achieves a turnover of more than 100 million euros worldwide with a workforce which has expanded to over 1,000 employees. With the investment in its first embossing unit, the company increases its capability on a targeted basis for customers from the tobacco industry.

Janoschka consistently continues its internationalisation strategy. The company is now represented in Russia with Janoschka Pavlovsk in St. Petersburg. The production site in Kippenheim acquires a further embossing unit.

The first automated line enters into operation in Kippenheim. The entire production process for gravure cylinders can therefore be organised from electromechancial gravure to chroming with complete automation. This also gradually becomes the standard throughout all Janoschka branches.

With Image-to-Print Janoschka together with supply chain partners initiates a global series of events, which give local printers, converters and brand owners an insight into the complexity of packaging printing. The first station is St. Petersburg in Russia. The roadshow has been still running very successfully with meanwhile 21 stop-overs around the globe.

Janoschka consolidates its presence in the Asian market. In August, Asia Pacific Engravers Vietnam is founded as a joint venture by Asia Pacific Engravers Malaysia and Hoang Kim Joint Stock.

At the start of the year Janoschka México begins production. Gravure cylinders are imaged with both electromechanical gravure as well as with the direct laser system. With a total of seven direct laser systems, Janoschka offers the biggest DLS network worldwide.

Two new branches are established in the Janoschka network. Janoschka Izmir is supplying the Turkish packaging and tobacco market with rotogravure printing tools. The local market and other European Janoschka sites benefit of the inhouse steelbase production. The Indian holding in Mumbai serves as base for further expansion on the Asian market and Janoschka Graphics India is the first installed production site for graphic services.

Janoschka publishes the first edition of its new customer magazine Linked. Now in its 40th year, the company continues to be family-run. Janoschka employs around 1,200 staff at 24 sites in 14 countries, achieving an annual turnover of 100 million euros.

Janoschka expands its global footprint in Asia and establishes with Janoschka Philippines the fifth production plant in ASPAC. To comply with customers' challenge for a short time-to-market, Janoschka Philippines started inhouse steelbase production in 2021.

To meet the growing demands of the brand customers, the “Brands” business unit is transferred into a new company. The new production agency Linked2Brands is a fully owned subsidiary of Janoschka. The competence and strength in the brands business are underscored with a new brand image.

Janoschka Aegean is the second production site in Turkey after Janoschka Izmir. The plant is supplying rotogravure steel bases to the converting and tobacco industry in various materials and with an annual capacity of 12 000 tubes. Besides Janoschka Aegean the new building of 5 600 m² production space is also hosting Linked2Brands Turkey.

By continouly investing in state-of-the art imaging technologies, especially in direct laser engraving, Janoschka widens its market for embossing tooling. Embossing applications can be found in a wide variety of products, from artificial leather surfaces in vehicle construction, structuring of imitation wood, wallpaper and paper tissues to packaging for food and non-food products.