trip to Malta

Interview with Sabrina Stempfle

Work Experience in Malta

Sabrina Stempfle has been an apprentice at Janoschka since 2023. She is learning all about the skills and tasks of media design within our extensive Graphic Services department. In order to accumulate further experience and broaden her horizons, she took up the opportunity offered by Janoschka to spend four weeks on a work experience placement in Vienna. Thrilled by the experience, she talks about her impressions. order to accumulate further experience and broaden her horizons, she took up the opportunity offered by Janoschka to spend four weeks on a work experience placement in Malta. Thrilled by the experience, she talks about her impressions.

1. Sabrina, what did you bring back from your internship in Malta?

New friends, new experiences and an enthusiasm for Malta. The island's landscape, the friendliness of the Maltese people and the great architecture have left a lasting impression. It was also a great challenge to have to speak English in everyday life and to master living together in a shared flat with other trainees who also did this internship with me.

2. Was exactly was your job at work?

In the first week, I attended a language school to brush up on my English. The remaining three weeks I worked at Salvo Grima, a company that specializes in shipping logistics and looks after a group of different companies.

The work was very exciting. I assisted the marketing manager who looks after two companies in the group: No.12 (selling wine) and C&C (store selling construction equipment of various sizes). My task was to design promotional materials for the C&C store: I designed various print products for upcoming discount and promotion days. I designed everything from window stickers to product sheets. I also created social media content for the respective promotional products, which was published on the store's website and used as advertising. Last week, I created posts for No.12 for Instagram for the whole year.

I was able to work independently from the start and let my creativity run free. It was great to expand my knowledge of my profession.

3. Did you apply for this training?

I applied to GoForEurope, which specializes in internships abroad for trainees from Baden-Württemberg. My commitment, my good grades at vocational school and, of course, Janoschka's openness made this experience possible for me. I am very proud of that.

I was traveling with other trainees as part of the GoForEurope exchange program. In total, we were a group of six trainees from different professions who completed their internship in different companies in Malta. Not only did we live together in a shared flat, but of course we also did a lot together in our free time. The opportunity to exchange ideas with others who were experiencing exactly the same thing was great.

4. How did you finance your stay abroad?

By applying via GoForEurope, you also apply for a scholarship from Erasmus+. An additional personal contribution of 600 euros was required for participation. Thankfully, Janoschka covered 250 euros for me. So I only had a remaining amount of 350 euros, plus of course my private expenses such as food and activities.

I am very grateful to my training company for their financial and advisory support. It is not a matter of course for trainees to be able to gain professional experience abroad.

5. What advice would you give to others who are interested in an internship abroad?

Don't think too much, just do it! I am glad that I embarked on the adventure. I wouldn't want to miss the new friends, the experiences at work and the encounters during the internship. The sense of achievement of taking on responsibility in a foreign company and being able to actively participate has also encouraged me in many ways! So let's get going!


Emely Erb

Human Resources
Janoschka Deutschland GmbH
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