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Hand in hand for quality, innovation and sustainability

Printing tools made in the Philippines

The Philippines is home to around 100 million people. With an average age of around 25, the Pacific island nation is a young, enthusiastic and rapidly developing society. The business of consumer goods and brands is booming. Economic growth is the fastest in Asia.

At the heart of this dynamic region is Uthiyakumar Murugaiah, Director Cluster Asia-Pacific. We spoke to him about the regional characteristics of the markets, Janoschka's global presence and the benefits of a common Janoschka DNA.

Janoschka Philippines helps global and local brand owners develop their brands and showcase their products. What is important here?

Uthiyakumar: Our region is a multi-faceted market characterized by increasing brand awareness, among other things. Packaging therefore plays a central role. At Janoschka, we serve this market with innovative solutions and fast, high-quality implementation. The recipe for success is a combination: on the one hand, there is our knowledge of the regional characteristics - we are in the middle of this emerging region and know the Asian market inside out. On the other hand, we are part of the Janoschka family and benefit from the technical expertise and innovative solutions of a company that has been active in global markets for almost half a century.

How does this successful interaction work in practice?

Uthiyakumar: The central and unifying element is a comprehensive knowledge transfer. We are in constant contact with the printing experts and specialists from all production areas at our sister company in Germany. Colleagues from Germany visit our production facilities. Together we examine and test the production of printing tools and all processes. This is how experience, know-how and detailed knowledge are passed on.

Many parameters are relevant in the production of printing tools. In packaging printing, which is all about brands and therefore high value, all these parameters must contribute to the consistency of the brand image. This is one of the key quality features and, together with cost efficiency, the most important factor. In my experience, the key to success is a continuous transfer of know-how for globally uniform Janoschka standards and Janoschka quality.

What is your outlook for the future?

Uthiyakumar: More than any other industry, the packaging industry is intertwined with almost all sectors of the economy. This also means that innovations and new technologies interact with a wide range of production areas, creating significant value across the board. Already a preferred hub for the packaging market, Janoschka in Asia will focus on transforming this booming industry towards sustainability and smart solutions in the coming decade.

Contact Mr. Uthiyakumar Murugaiah directly and learn more about our offer in the Asia-Pacific region. 

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