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Dear Reader,

The world of the printing industry has as many faces as it does colours – and it’s changing all the time. Yet we can be sure that one thing never changes: the quality always has to be perfect, every detail correct and the results flawless. For nine years now, our LINKED magazine has highlighted the broad spectrum of the packaging and printing market with its high expectations, innovations and new technologies.

In the 9th edition of the Linked magazine, you can read how a fast-moving consumer product like pasta can be the object of sophisticated design just like its packaging. We explain how the EU is looking to increase the sustainability of packaging and reduce packaging waste in Europe with the new Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation. Furthermore, we report on our very own barrel proof that has allowed us to tackle product piracy. Our innovative ideas, know-how and experience have gone into this effective system for combatting a practice that is ruining the market.

As a reliable pace-setter for our industry, we have once again put together a wide range of topics and inspirational stories to sweeten your everyday work in this edition of LINKED.

Enjoy Reading


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